Pakistan Petroleum Ltd makes third discovery in Sujawal

17 November 2024
Published in: DAWN
Sindh Minister for Planning and Development and Energy Syed Nasir Hussain Shah has announced a major discovery of gas and condensate in Sujawal.
The Pateji-X1 exploration well in the Shah Bandar Block is estimated to produce 11.7 million standard cubic feet of gas and 198 barrels of condensate per day.
The Sindh Energy Holding Company (Pvt) Ltd (SEHCL), a joint venture partner in the Shah Bandar Block, holds a 2.5 per cent working interest.
Pakistan Petroleum Ltd (PPL) serves as the operator with a majority stake of 63pc, while Mari Petroleum Company Ltd (MPCL) and Government Holdings (Pvt) Ltd (GHPL) hold 32pc and 2.5pc working interests, respectively.
Mr Shah said that the Pateji-X1 well was spudded on Oct 11 and drilled to a depth of 2,475 meters to assess the hydrocarbon potential of the Upper Sands in the Lower Goru Formation. These results were achieved under a wellhead flowing pressure of 2,578 PSI with a choke size of 32/64 inches.
This discovery highlights the hydrocarbon potential of Shah Bandar Block and marks another step forward in bolstering the country’s energy resources. He said further exploration and development activities are expected to continue in the block.
According to a stock filing, PPL said this is the third consecutive discovery in the Shah Bandar Block. This discovery would add additional hydrocarbon reserves and enable the energy sector to reduce the current energy crisis and save significant foreign exchange through indigenous hydrocarbon production, the company added.