Strengthening Partnerships to Unlock Pakistan’s Blue Economy


24 January 2024

Published in: Pro Pakistani

Pakistan’s Blue Economy seldom gets any mention. However, the seas are where over 80% of the global trade takes place. The arrival of AD Ports Group has attracted the attention of global investors and maritime trade players to Pakistan. AD Ports Group brings significant investment,  an integrated portfolio of world-class ports, economic activity zones, maritime logistics and digital innovation to unlock the Blue Economy of Pakistan.

Under the terms of the 50-year concession agreement, a Joint Venture between AD Ports Group, as a majority shareholder, and Kaheel Terminals, a UAE-based company has been formed to manage, operate, and develop the Karachi Gateway Terminal (KGTL), berths 6-10 at the East Wharf of Karachi Port.

KGTL has collaborated with Karachi Port Trust to build Pakistan’s image as a trading port of choice on the regional and global maritime trade map. Mr. Khurram Aziz Khan, the CEO of KGTL, a container terminal industry veteran, is actively engaging with all the industry stakeholders to build a common vision for Pakistan’s competitiveness in global maritime trade.

CEO Karachi Gateway Terminal, Mr. Khurram Aziz Khan along with AD Ports Group and KPT senior management at a KGTL trade meetup in Karachi.
Left to right: CEO Karachi Gateway Terminal, Mr. Khurram Aziz Khan, AD Ports Regional CEO Central Asia & Eastern Europe, Mr. Abdulaziz Zayed Al-Shamsi, Chairman KPT, Syed Syedain Raza Zaidi, AD Ports Fujairah Terminal CEO, Mr. Abdulaziz Al Balooshi.

Global maritime trade leaders recently met at the ‘KGTL Customer & Trade Meet-up’ reception in Karachi. The guests included key officials of Karachi Port Trust, AD  Ports Group, Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry, shipping lines, affiliate businesses of the FPCCI, Pakistan Customs, Karachi Customs Agents Association, Afghan Transit Trade, and other members of the trade community.

Mr. Khurram Aziz Khan facilitated a consensus between industry leaders in positioning Pakistan as a regional trade hub, and an Asian gateway to global trade. Senior representatives of AD Ports Group including AD Ports Regional CEO Central Asia & Eastern Europe, Mr. Abdulaziz Zayed Al-Shamsi, AD Ports Fujairah Terminal CEO, Mr. Abdulaziz Al Balooshi, and Chairman KPT, Syed Syedain Raza Zaidi have all shared their support to the success of KGTL.

Unlocking the Blue Economy of Pakistan relies on valuable global partnerships. AD Ports Regional CEO Central Asia & Eastern Europe, Mr. Abdulaziz Zayed Al-Shamsi confirmed that AD Ports Group will channel its investment and global experience through KGTL. The arrival of AD Ports Group in Pakistan is a manifestation of the deep trust and commitment between Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates.

AD Ports Regional CEO Central Asia & Eastern Europe, Mr. Abdulaziz Zayed Al-Shamsi addresses maritime trade stakeholders in Pakistan at a KGTL trade meetup in Karachi.

Significant investment is required for both the modernization of container terminal operations and sustaining the marine ecosystem. The Chairman of KPT, Syed Syedain Raza Zaidi, highlighted the crucial investment by AD Ports Group in enhancing terminal operations efficiency, attracting investment, and stimulating the economy of Pakistan.

Chairman KPT, Syed Syedain Raza Zaidi, welcomes leadership of AD Ports Group to Pakistan at KGTL trade meetup in Karachi.

Mr. Khurram Khan, the CEO of KGTL, confirmed that KGTL was supporting the massive climate action initiative by KPT in the establishment of a Mangrove Park. Over 10,000 mangrove saplings will be planted. Mr. Khurram underlined that sustainability of marine ecosystem was an integral part of the industrial growth strategy of KGTL.

CEO Karachi Gateway Terminal (KGTL), Mr. Khurram Aziz Khan, welcomes global and national maritime trade leaders in Karachi.

AD Ports Group’s Future Development Plans at Karachi Port

Aerial view at night of Karachi Gateway Terminal on the East Wharf of Karachi Port.

Mr.  Khan added that AD Ports Group is set to embark on a transformative journey of investments in Karachi Port. The investments include upgrading of the Karachi Gateway Terminal with an extended quay wall from the current 600 meters to 800 meters in length, addition of advanced Quay Cranes and cost-efficient gantries significantly improving terminal productivity, expansion of container storage, and digitalization of operations.

AD Ports Group will make KGTL a benchmark for world-class container terminal operations through human resource capacity building and technology transfer.

KGTL is currently operating at berths 6 to 10 on the East Wharf of Karachi Port. AD Ports Group will shoulder the cost of deepening berths at Karachi Port to achieve up to 15-meter draft that will pave the way to handle larger and deeper draft vessels.  AD Ports Group is examining with KPT the creation of a new turning basin at Karachi Port, enabling the port to handle vessels with lengths up to 350 meters. With investments in construction of additional yard space and addition of equipment, the container handing capacity of KGTL will increase to 1 million TEUs per annum.

KGTL Partners with KPT to Support Climate Action with Karachi Mangrove Park

A view of the CEO KGTL, Mr. Khurram Aziz Khan addressing the commencement ceremony of KGTL and KPT joint climate action to plant 10,000 mangrove saplings in the Mangrove Park in Karachi.

Karachi Port Trust and Karachi Gateway Terminal (KGTL) have joined forces for the reforestation of Mangroves. Mangroves not only protect the shoreline from floods and hurricanes but are also critical in sustaining sea life and the livelihood of communities that depend on it. KPT has allotted its land to establish a Mangrove Park in Karachi.

A view of CEO KGTL, Mr. Khurram Aziz Khan at the mangrove plantation start at the Mangrove Park in Karachi.

Mr. Khurram Aziz Khan shared that the Mangrove Park will get upwards of 10,000 mangrove saplings planted under the KPT and KGTL joint climate action initiative. Plantation work has already started with the participation of KPT, KGTL, and the local community.

The main scope of the mangrove plantation is to preserve the existing mangroves and reforest the depleted areas. Additionally, the Mangrove Park will also be opened to the public to spread awareness. The Mangrove Park is a significant step in Pakistan’s commitment to a sustainable maritime trading ecosystem.

A View of CEO KGTL, Mr. Khurram Aziz Khan, at the commencement ceremony of mangrove plantation in Karachi in collaboration with KPT.
Left to Right: Former General Manager Operations KPT, Rear Admiral Muhammad Zubair Shafique HI(M), CEO KGTL, Mr. Khurram Aziz Khan, Consul General of the United Arab Emirates in Karachi, His Excellency Mr. Bakheet Ateeq Al-Remeithi, Chairman KPT, Syed Syedain Raza Zaidi.

The Consul General of the United Arab Emirates in Karachi, His Excellency Mr. Bakheet Ateeq Al-Remeithi, also provided great support by attending the Mangrove event thus helping to spread awareness across the diplomatic community for the preservation of Karachi’s mangroves and marine ecosystem. KGTL hopes to generate wider participation by the diplomatic community in the preservation of mangroves.

A view of CEO KGTL, Mr. Khurram Aziz Khan at the mangrove plantation start at the Mangrove Park in Karachi.

AD Ports Group is committed to the protection of marine ecosystem while driving financially, socially, and environmentally responsible operations. These values are reflected in the joint climate action of KGTL with KPT.

A View of CEO KGTL, Mr. Khurram Aziz Khan, at the commencement ceremony of mangrove plantation in Karachi in collaboration with KPT.

AD Ports Group has come to Pakistan with a long-term commitment. With its global recognition, AD Ports Group will prove to be a beacon of trust for other global investors to come to Pakistan. A new chapter of partnerships, investments, trade integration, and innovation, has started in Pakistan’s Blue Economy.

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