Economic Resurgence 


November 16, 2023

Published in: The Nation

Pakistan stands on the brink of a transformative economic shift with the inception of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC), her­alding a potential $70 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI). This not only underscores the nation’s economic promise but also reflects global trust in its potential. A focal point in this economic evolution is the engage­ment with Saudi Arabia regarding the Reko Diq gold and copper mine, sig­nalling a strategic alliance that could reshape Pakistan’s economic trajectory. 

Recent reports reveal Saudi Arabia’s interest in acquiring government stakes in the Reko Diq project, a significant development for a mine joint­ly owned by Barrick Gold Corp, the government of Pakistan, and the prov­ince of Balochistan. The valuation of the mine, slated for completion by December 25, is a crucial precursor to further discussions. Jahanzeb Khan, the Prime Minister’s adviser on the SIFC, anticipates talks with Ri­yadh post-valuation, emphasising the potential for Saudi Arabia to be­come a partner in this venture. 

This economic manoeuvre comes at a critical time for Pakistan, navi­gating an economic crisis and narrowly averting sovereign default earlier this year with a $3 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The success of this deal is pivotal for Pakistan, relying on FDI to stabilise its foreign exchange reserves. The engagement of old allies in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, is central to Pakistan’s strategy to at­tract the necessary investments. 

Transparency and accountability, in alignment with international stan­dards, are pivotal components of Pakistan’s approach. The establishment of the SIFC reflects a commitment to efficient governance structures, es­sential for streamlining decision-making processes and fostering econom­ic growth. Beyond the Reko Diq project, Pakistan reiterates its commit­ment to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), further solidifying its dedication to transformative initiatives. 

As discussions progress, the focus must remain on creating an environ­ment conducive to sustainable and mutually beneficial investments. The suc­cess of Pakistan’s economic pivot hinges on fostering transparency, account­ability, and efficiency. The collaboration with Saudi Arabia and the broader investment landscape should be guided by a long-term vision. Pakistan’s strategic economic shift holds the promise of a brighter future, with the world watching as the nation positions itself for lasting economic success

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