Reforms urged to improve agricultural productivity, exports


14 January 2024

Published in: The Nation

 Pakistan needs to design a comprehensive set of reforms to revitalize its agriculture sec­tor by enhancing competitive­ness, productivity, and exports. These measures will usher in a new era for the farmers, foster­ing economic growth and sus­tainability, reports WealthPK.

Agriculture accounts for 22.9% of GDP, and Pakistan is among the world’s top pro­ducers of wheat, cotton, sug­arcane, mangoes, dates, rice, and oranges. This vital sector not only meets the domestic demand for food but also con­tributes significantly to the country’s export earnings.

According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the val­ue of agricultural exports in 2023-24 was $5.2 billion, an increase of 13% from the pre­vious year. The major exports included rice, fruits, vegeta­bles, cotton yarn, raw cotton, fish, and fish preparations.

“Recognizing the pivotal role of agriculture in the econ­omy, the government should outline a multi-faceted strat­egy to address the longstand­ing challenges and propel the sector forward. The reforms should encompass key areas such as technology adoption, irrigation infrastructure, mar­ket access, and farmer sup­port,” Tariq Sultan, Principal Scientific Officer at the Na­tional Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), told WealthPK.

“One of the focal points of reforms is the promotion of modern agricultural practices through widespread adoption of cutting-edge technologies. The government must provide the farmers with access to the advanced machinery, precision farming techniques, and inno­vative crop management tools. By embracing technology, we can significantly enhance pro­ductivity and reduce reliance on the traditional, labor-intensive methods,” he said. “In addition, substantial investment in up­grading our irrigation infrastruc­ture is necessary. With a focus on efficient water management, there is a need to mitigate the impact of water scarcity and ensure a more reliable and sus­tainable water supply for agri­culture. This will improve crop yields and reduce the vulnerabil­ity of farmers to the unpredict­able effects of climate change.

“Market access has also been identified as a critical aspect of reforms. There is a need to create a more open and competitive market en­vironment that benefits both the farmers and consumers. The initiatives include stream­lining supply chains, reducing the middleman’s role, and facilitating direct farmer-to-consumer transactions. These measures will ensure that the farmers receive fair prices for their produce while the con­sumers enjoy affordable and quality agricultural products.

“To bolster farmer support, initiatives such as the imple­mentation of financial assis­tance programs, crop insurance schemes, and agricultural ex­tension services are necessary. These initiatives will provide a safety net for farmers, protect them from financial risks, and equip them with the knowledge and resources needed to adopt best practices. Tariq believed that these reforms would not only enhance the competitive­ness and productivity of the agriculture sector but also position Pakistan as a major player in the global agricultural market. Exports of high-value agricultural products are ex­pected to increase, which will significantly contribute to the country’s economic growth.

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