With formulation of SIFC, crackdown against smugglers, mafias, deportation of illegal Afghans & action against electricity & gas theft has put country’s economy on right track. People of Pakistan have started to show confidence in country’s progress. However, enemies of the state are perturbed & trying their level best to spread chaos. Few yellow journalists under Shahbaz Rana’s leadership are always found roaming around Ministry of Finance. Many ministry officials have complained that these people don’t let them work except for few black sheep who have their own personal grudges. These black sheep give false scoop to these journos who then post these concocted stories. Recently, he claimed that GoP is not going to do restructuring of FBR, however GoP has clarified that restructuring is already underway as it is the main clause of IMF deal & Pak has to abide. In another article, he claimed that IMF is not going for its review planned but again the review has been done. Now he claims that 90% people are desperate of economic condition and Pakistan is about to default. These claims are also balatant lies as sources in Ministry of Finance confirm that plan for debt repayment is already finalised & things are going as per plan, as a policy plan is confidential and cannot be disclosed. So, Mr. Rana can pack up bag & go to his village that would be better for him.


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