ICT sector poised for investments: ITT minister

State Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunications, Shaza Fatima Khawaja, affirmed the government’s commitment to promoting investments in information and communication technologies (ICTs) through various flagship projects such as Special Technology Zones (STZs), the national fiberisation plan, and initiatives to ensure affordable access to fast broadband internet and smart digital devices for the masses.
Speaking as chief guest at the 24th edition of ITCN Asia, themed “Declaring Pakistan as the Regional ICT Hub,” she outlined the government’s intention to further efforts towards local manufacturing of laptops, aiming to provide affordable access to digital devices and enhance exports to different countries in the future.
“The government is keen on fostering an ecosystem conducive to foreign and local IT companies and investors through policymaking, legislation, skill development, and infrastructure development to harness the multitude of opportunities in Pakistan,” she added. Additionally, efforts are underway to promote inclusivity for women in the economy through increased opportunities in education and IT. She also mentioned the formation of the National Digital Commission aimed at driving the digital ecosystem across the country, focusing on economy, governance, and society, thus offering significant opportunities for the private sector. “I anticipate IT companies leveraging government support to elevate Pakistan’s status as a regional and global tech hub,” she said.
Read more: https://tribune.com.pk/story/2463108/ict-sector-poised-for-investments-itt-minister